Greenville Group Health

The world of group health care benefits continues to increase in complexity. To help your business navigate the challenging health care landscape, we at MMA Greenville provide expertise to develop strategic, economical Greenville Group Health Programs.

Employer-provided benefits programs are no longer limited to just insurance plans. With the increasingly complicated compliance landscape intersecting with changes in how employers and employees are defined and engage with each other, leading employers need to provide programs of benefits not just a benefits program.

We will review your current benefits program to learn what is most important to you. Then we’ll design a plan that addresses your concerns, reduces risk and lowers your cost, all without damaging employee morale. MMA Greenville’s well-cultivated relationships with all major insurance carriers allow us to provide an all-encompassing range of providers, networks, premium levels and plan designs.

MMA Greenville understands that you need knowledgeable counsel on the Affordable Care Act and its mandates. Our experts can help you determine the right Greenville Group Health coverages and cost control policies for your business. At MMA, a team of compliance and actuarial consultants back you. These consultants monitor and analyze the implications of the ACA. They will help you control the financial effect on your business and put a proactive strategy in place to ensure you are compliant with the Affordable Care Act.

In addition to our core benefits services, we have specialists monitoring and analyzing the implications of the Affordable Care Act. These experts, working in conjunction with our compliance and actuarial team, can help you determine the financial impact on your business and put a plan in place to help your company comply with complex regulations and manage costs.

Contact MMA to schedule a complimentary insurance consultation today. We will help you implement Greenville Group Health Programs that work for your business.

Greenville Office: 870 S Pleasantburg Drive Greenville, SC 29607 


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