MMA Rx Solutions

Drug spending in the U.S. continues to rise at an all-time rate, and with pharmacy benefit costs representing nearly 20-25% of overall total health care costs, employers are seeking new ways to manage their pharmacy program. Through MMA Rx Solutions, Marsh & McLennan Agency offers employers a unique opportunity to actively take control of their pharmacy program.

Whether a plan is carve-in or carve-out, MMA Rx Solutions works in partnership with the benefits team, pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), and finance team to support program change, drive member engagement, and create savings opportunities.

Proven Results
MMA Rx Solutions clients typically see net savings of 12% – 20% on their pharmacy contract.


MMA Rx Solutions | Offerings | MMA
MMA RX Solutions include a Mobile Benefits App, Pharmacy Contract Management, Benefits Engagement services, and more.


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