HR Consulting

Human Resources Consulting: Managing Risk and Retention

How does HR fit in with risk management? It’s at the start of everything — from pre-hire recruiting to employee screening to policy development.

Human Resources Consulting 
Today Human Resource Departments are tasked with an ever-increasing list of responsibilities. This includes hiring and retention, compliance with state and federal regulations, the creation of competitive benefits and compensation programs, and payroll execution to mention just a few. How can they address today’s needs, while planning for tomorrow?

Fortunately, MMA has the tools and talent to help. MMA HR specialists will conduct an evaluation of your needs using advanced tools, which may include employee surveys, policy audits and other assessments. This process will assist in identifying areas of opportunity. We’ll assemble a plan that will fulfill your needs and meet your goals. With your approval, we set the plan in motion, adjusting as necessary along the way. We’ll track progress throughout and keep you informed on the discoveries and improvements made. 


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