Stop Loss Captives
MMA has a team of professionals dedicated to delivering unique solutions.
We know providing competitive employee benefits at a controlled cost is an increasingly difficult task.
Stop loss captives are an alternative risk management tool that takessome of the volatility out of an employer’s stop loss policy, available to financially stable employers who are self-funded or considering a move to self-funding with 50-1,500 employees. A portion of the stop loss premium is ceded to the captive, a shared additional layer over the employer’s stop loss level. After the captive pays all claims in the captive layer, any remaining profits are distributed to employers.
Our team of knowledgeable consultants have partnered with Tokio Marine HCC to offer the MMA Exclusive CapAbilityPlus Cell, a unique opportunity available only to our clients. This partnership unlocks even more possibilities to ensure the most advantageous match is made.
MMA will partner with you to analyze your risk and claim profile in order to match you with the captive option that best fits your unique structure.

Stop Loss Captives | Offerings | MMA
MMA offers Stop Loss Captives, Benefits Cost Control, Captive Benefits Solutions, and other solutions to the challenges of rising benefits costs.
We know providing competitive employee benefits at a controlled cost is an increasingly difficult task.
Stop loss captives are an alternative risk management tool that takessome of the volatility out of an employer’s stop loss policy, available to financially stable employers who are self-funded or considering a move to self-funding with 50-1,500 employees. A portion of the stop loss premium is ceded to the captive, a shared additional layer over the employer’s stop loss level. After the captive pays all claims in the captive layer, any remaining profits are distributed to employers.
Our team of knowledgeable consultants have partnered with Tokio Marine HCC to offer the MMA Exclusive CapAbilityPlus Cell, a unique opportunity available only to our clients. This partnership unlocks even more possibilities to ensure the most advantageous match is made.
MMA will partner with you to analyze your risk and claim profile in order to match you with the captive option that best fits your unique structure.

Stop Loss Captives | Offerings | MMA
MMA offers Stop Loss Captives, Benefits Cost Control, Captive Benefits Solutions, and other solutions to the challenges of rising benefits costs.
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