
Succeeding after competitors have failed typifies Marsh & McLennan Agency's Surety practice. MMA is known for solving complicated surety problems on a moment's notice. Our market clout, professional staff, tenacious approach, and broad range of surety bond services have benefited thousands of contractors from coast-to-coast. Whether you're a local subcontractor, a regional general contractor or a billion-dollar design/build contractor, MMA's expertise will enhance your surety relationship.

More than just a bond broker, MMA becomes your business partner. Our goal is to make your surety relationship as effective as possible. We will work with you to bond even your most difficult projects. We will endeavor to reduce your costs, increase your work program, and streamline the overall process.

Our bond experts will aggressively manage your surety relationship so you can concentrate on running a successful business. We will keep your surety underwriter focused on "need to know" vs. "nice to know" information, to free your staff from unnecessary hassle.

MMA's excellent relationship with the major surety companies gives you an advantage when seeking and negotiating coverage. Our highly skilled staff with over 100 years of combined industry experience can handle any type of bond request – including a vast array of specialty bonds.


Surety | Offerings | MMA
More than just a bond broker, MMA becomes your business partner. Our goal is to make your surety relationship as effective as possible.


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