Greensboro Employee Wellness Programs
Greensboro area Businesses-Employee Wellness Programs
Many employers are searching for innovative solutions to better manage their employee benefits investment. As a result, employee wellness programs are growing in demand. They are effective at decreasing rising medical costs, reducing the effects of disability related claims, and encouraging employee productivity. They range in complexity from employee communications and health risk assessments to biometric screenings and targeted intervention programs. For these reasons, employee wellness programs are a hot topic among employee benefits managers.
These programs have additional benefits as well. They can help enhance employee productivity and attendance as well as decrease health care costs. Employee wellness programs create opportunities to lead healthier lifestyles, manage chronic illnesses, diminish stress, and improve employees’ psychological well-being.
MMA Greensboro is well versed in implementing comprehensive employee wellness programs for employers. We recommend a multi-year approach. Each year progresses in the breadth and scope of the program. The use of premium contributions and benefits differentiates those who are actively participating and seeking to improve their lifestyles and controllable risk factors.
Why else should employers consider implementing employee wellness programs? These programs can strategically effect medical trends and health care dollars. MMA Greensboro is knowledgeable in HIPAA wellness guidelines and has benefit attorneys who act as resources where needed for both federal and state law. We have successfully implemented ideas on how to incentivize employees without costing the employer additional money.
MMA Greensboro works closely with clients to make sure they get the appropriate value and return from their employee wellness programs. If your company needs a Greensboro Employee Wellness Program that works, contact MMA to schedule a complimentary insurance consultation.
Greensboro Office: 3625 N. Elm Street Greensboro, NC 27455

Greensboro Employee Wellness Programs - Marsh & McLennan Agency
Specializing in Greensboro Employee Wellness Programs for all Greensboro area businesses
Many employers are searching for innovative solutions to better manage their employee benefits investment. As a result, employee wellness programs are growing in demand. They are effective at decreasing rising medical costs, reducing the effects of disability related claims, and encouraging employee productivity. They range in complexity from employee communications and health risk assessments to biometric screenings and targeted intervention programs. For these reasons, employee wellness programs are a hot topic among employee benefits managers.
These programs have additional benefits as well. They can help enhance employee productivity and attendance as well as decrease health care costs. Employee wellness programs create opportunities to lead healthier lifestyles, manage chronic illnesses, diminish stress, and improve employees’ psychological well-being.
MMA Greensboro is well versed in implementing comprehensive employee wellness programs for employers. We recommend a multi-year approach. Each year progresses in the breadth and scope of the program. The use of premium contributions and benefits differentiates those who are actively participating and seeking to improve their lifestyles and controllable risk factors.
Why else should employers consider implementing employee wellness programs? These programs can strategically effect medical trends and health care dollars. MMA Greensboro is knowledgeable in HIPAA wellness guidelines and has benefit attorneys who act as resources where needed for both federal and state law. We have successfully implemented ideas on how to incentivize employees without costing the employer additional money.
MMA Greensboro works closely with clients to make sure they get the appropriate value and return from their employee wellness programs. If your company needs a Greensboro Employee Wellness Program that works, contact MMA to schedule a complimentary insurance consultation.
Greensboro Office: 3625 N. Elm Street Greensboro, NC 27455
Greensboro Employee Wellness Programs - Marsh & McLennan Agency
Specializing in Greensboro Employee Wellness Programs for all Greensboro area businesses
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